Immersive Stories is an award-winning production company working in areas of architecture, art, design, natural and life science, health care, education, public relations and branded content with clients like The Danish Architecture Center, Designmuseum Danmark, MedicoIndustrien, LIF, Experimentarium, Dorte Mandrup A/S, SMK The Nation Gallery of Denmark, Copenhagen Municipal, The Danish Embassy in Paris, TV2 and DR.
A VR-film made for Designmuseum Denmark, the Danish Embassy in Paris and Copenhagen Municipality
Follow a day in Maria's life biking the streets of Copenhagen.
A VR documentary, a podcast series and 360 degrees video
Experience how world-famous architecture is shaped by unique landscapes, climate and human conditions.
VR film, events and social media content made for DR and Experimentarium
Try living a life in 7 minutes, from being born to the end of life – all seen through the eyes of the main character Nikolai.
A video made for DR
The National Danish Girls’ Choir gave a group of elderly with dementia a unique experience in VR.
An interactive VR-installation made for the Danish Architecture Centre
New perspectives on architecture as well as laughter, cheering and thrills.
A podcast series made for LIF and MedicoIndustrien
The future of health care with the focus on the use of new technology, big data and innovative solutions
A 360 degrees video made for DR
Experience the maestro conductor Fabio Luisi from the perspective of a seat in Danish National Symphony Orchestra.
A video made for DR
A video illuminating the innovation process and outcome of the international competition for young conductors: Malko Competition 2018.
A podcast series made for DR
A bold and intimate portrait of world-renowned musician Michala Petri.
Live podcast made for LIF and MedicoIndustrien
A live version of Liv i fremtiden on stage at Folkemødet, Bornholm
A disorienting VR-experiences made for TV2 Østjylland
Race across the lake in an inflatable item, drink a beer, spin around the bottle and then cross back over the lake.
Radio and podcast made for DR
A radio show interweaving literature and classical music finding the similarities and shared storytelling.
Immersive Stories is an award-winning production company with a focus on engaging storytelling in Virtual Reality, podcast and film.
Immersive Stories
Æginavej 3
DK-2300 Copenhagen S
CVR NR 39268744
Copyright © All Rights Immsersive Stories